Saturday, January 14, 2012

Orchard Road field trip part 4

Original advertisement

Sketch of possible improved version

I feel that in the original advertisement the focus was more on the man, and not on the food. In the improved advertisement the food is almost the same size as the man, and not at the bottom, thus people will notice it.

Lastly, my favorite mall in the Orchard Road stretch was Ion Orchard. Not only is it the most unique on terms of design, but it is also the brightest among all other malls at Orchard, making it hard to miss. Where other malls have plain rectangular frames and simple designs, Ion Orchard is circular in nature and also has a huge LED wall where ads can be played, making it extremely eye-catching. The exterior of the building also has a very futuristic feel to it, and even though the mall has a weird shape, its layout is very easy to navigate about. I also love the towering canopy structure at the sheltered outdoor space as it resembles a tree, giving the building a sense of balance. The glass panels and numerous lighting makes the building look more like a 3-D work of art, which is why I like Ion Orchard the best.

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