Thursday, November 17, 2011

Sketches and lessons 4

Posters and Adobe Illustrator. Yup those were the 2 things we did for design class this week. For posters it was similar to what we did the week before, we got into pairs, and had to re-design posters the teacher showed to us. It was pretty challenging, as certain posters were by renowned companies such as Levis and of high standard, thus having little flaws to improve on.

Okay next we started to learn how to draw with Adobe Illustrator, which is much harder than you think. It is totally different from using Photoshop, where your cursor draws a line wherever it goes. In Illustrator, drawing straight lines are pretty easy. Just click on a point, click on another point and a straight line is formed between the 2 lines. Now the hard part: drawing curves. To do that instead of simply clicking the second line, you hold your mouse down and pull the point, and a curve forms. The angle and shape of the resulting curve depends on how you pull the second point, which gets pretty easy after much practice. Oh one tip is to hold the 'shift' key down while forming your curve, which helps form shapes that are more proportionate. 

Our homework was to use the pen tool to draw the outline of images which I will be doing in awhile, and besides that I didn't do much sketching the past week as it was all about Illustrator. Projects are flowing in like mad thus I don't really have much time to create a long post but I'll upload more sketches and Illustrator pics next time round!

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