Friday, November 11, 2011

Sketches and lessons 1

First day of my design elective whoohoo! To be honest I wasn't really looking forward to it as I was good in neither design nor drawing (which are HYOOGE components in the elective) so I was kinda like a fish out of water. 

Okay maybe like a pig in the air?


Err you get what I mean. Well within minutes the class was brought to a life-size replica of a fighter jet, with a random garden just beside it. Our first assignment was to sketch anything in that area. And I was like 

The only things I could draw without having to look like random doodles were stickmen, and even then it was still pretty bad. But anyways I decided to give it a try since we weren't going to be graded on our ability to sketch. Every few minutes I sneaked a glance at my classmate's paper and it was then that I realised I wasn't the only poor soul with terrible drawing skills. One guy was struggling to draw the outline of a leaf, for a moment I thought he was doing a self-portrait. But who am I to judge?

So after a very long time and 13 ant bites (4 on the left foot and 9 on the right) I finally picked a cactus and started to sketch it. Here's the end result

Not that bad isn't it? I was pretty impressed with my work so I decided to ask 2 of my female friends for their opinions on the way back to class.


"That's damn gross!!!"

But it turns out both of them really disliked cactuses, which explained their adverse reactions. So if both of them managed to tell that I was sketching a cactus, it means my drawing isn't that bad after all!

Our next exercise back in class was pretty simple: to draw anything. For some reason I've had this mental image of a muffin-loving zombie in my head for the past few days (don't ask why) and that was exactly what I drew.

This is the original sketch and I felt that this picture was kind of naked without colours, unlike the cactus one, and so I went home and applied some colours to it using photoshop.

Dayuuuummmmmm son! I must say I was really pleased with my work, shocked in a way too. It isn't going to be featured in art galleries anytime soon but considering my artistic 'talents' in the past, I have to admit that its not bad. And like they always say, practice makes perfect!

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